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reducing e waste

12 ways to reduce and control e-waste for 2023

The amount of electronics discarded each year could either be in good condition or unusable, and these are mostly generated from people who buy new and more advanced products. Most devices that end up in landfills are still perfectly suited to be reused. It is the need of the hour to take measures to reduce the impact of discarded electronics, such as batteries and cell phones, and manage them properly.

What Is E-Waste?

Electronic waste refers to anything that cannot be reused and is only good for discarding. It includes broken cell phones, tablets, and televisions that have been replaced with newer models.

The best e-waste solution, which is healthy for society as well as the environment, is recycling. Recycling old products that still have value from electronics and makes them available for new products. Although recycling rates for e-waste are still low, it benefits the environment and economy in the long run.

When you take the time to get rid of your used electronics responsibly, it will help contribute to a sustainable environment. One way you can do this is by backing up all the data and erasing personal information before passing on that device or selling it.

Here are some methods of disposal of e-waste in India:

Be a responsible consumer:

To reduce waste, be sure you’ve done some research before buying a new product. If the product is likely to break or malfunction shortly after you purchase it, don’t buy it.

Reuse and Recycle:

The best way to protect our planet is to recycle old electronic devices instead of buying more new ones. This way, you’ll be reducing the number of discarded appliances, which have a significant impact on our environment.

Learn about your electronic devices:

Knowing about the materials in your electronic devices will help you understand and make educated decisions about the environment. Researching the materials before buying new products is a proactive decision that can result in a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Invest in an environmentally friendly label:

If you’re interested in purchasing Energy Star labelled products, look for labels that say “Energy Star” on them.

Avoid Hoarding:

Keep a check on how many electronic items you are buying each month. The newest technologies and the latest gadgets hit showrooms on a regular basis, which never stops people from buying them. These new technologies have helped consumers with hoarding tendencies by making it easier for them to break the cycle.


It’s cheaper to repair broken electronics than to replace them, but some people opt for replacement because it’s faster. If you’re not afraid of  DIY projects, you can save money by repairing devices yourself.

Security issues:

Even if you delete it, your personal information is still stored on your electronic devices. There are several ways to ensure that no one can retrieve your information, but stripping your device of all personal data and taking care of it at the best e-waste recycling company in India such as Namo e-waste management is the safest choice.

Organise your belongings:

Get rid of gadgets that you won’t need any more. If you have a lot, you can sell your old gadgets at a reuse store, donate them to a charity or dispose of them responsibly through recycling.

Find out the e-waste recycling centres:

You can minimise your household’s waste by trying to find reselling or recycling centres in your area.

Backup data online:

You don’t need to purchase hardware storage devices to backup your data. There are plenty of cloud storage options, such as IDrive, Google Drive, and Dropbox.

Give them back to the store:

It can be difficult to find a store willing to take your old electronics, especially if you are not a frequent shopper. However, stores have recently begun investing in programs that handle recycling programs. Talk to the staff or managers at any store about recycling old items and ask them where they put such things.

Protect electronic devices:

Make small modifications to keep what you have working longer. To prolong the life of your computer, periodically clean out old files and don’t leave your device plugged in all the time.


When recycling e-waste and making these changes, as well as pushing others to do the same, we can drastically reduce the problem of e-waste. Furthermore, e-waste recycling is the ethical thing to do for the planet and for your company’s future. It is also regulated in some areas by local regulation.