The Growing E-waste: Means to a Livelihood and Resource Management!

The Growing E-waste: Means to a Livelihood and Resource Management! We all know that e-waste is hazardous but we don’t do anything about it. Do you know why? Because we think, let others do it! This is exactly why Namo e-Waste came into being. To begin somewhere, we need everyone’s cooperation. Yours too! Did you […]
Data Breach Risks are high in Ineffective E-waste Management Techniques

Holiday season is around the corner; when the sale and gifting of electronic gadgets go up. People give phones and smart devices to family members and friends. This implies that the pile of discarded electronic devices goes up. People must consider recycling or gifting their old devices in order to enable sustainable resources. However, in […]
Electronic Take-Back Programs

Electronic take-back and recycling program is so designed as to extract and subsequently reuse the substances present in the electronic equipment collected. Over 99 percent of the e-waste shared by consumers is processed for recycling. Generally, take-back programs are initiated by a retailer or a manufacturer of electrical and electronics goods. The aim of the program is […]
EPR initiatives by Xiaomi, LG, and Dell in India

In 2020, according to Global E-waste Monitor, the global production of e-waste was recorded to be 53.6 million tonnes. Contributing 3.2 million tonnes out of this, India ranked third in the list, below China and the United States of America. One can imagine the harm this huge amount of e-waste is causing to the environment […]
Take Simple Steps to Clean Up the Major Sources of E-Waste

Technology has evolved at a fast pace in the last few years. We could hardly imagine a life sans GPS maps, laptops, smart devices, and our smartphones. In 2021, about 7.1 billion mobile phone users worldwide have been recorded. By 2022, this is expected to go up to 7.26 billion. In 2025, the number is […]
Do not treat your old gadgets like garbage!

As the world has become tech-dependent and people upgrade their devices frequently, there emerges a fresh pile of old gadgets every now and then. A few million pounds of e-waste is processed on a monthly basis at just one recycling plant in India. Imagine the total amount generated across the country. The trouble begins when people start […]
82% of India’s e-waste consists of personal devices. Why should it be a concern?

In a period of just five years, India had recorded a growth of 43% in its e-waste generation. The country generates about 3.2MT of e-waste annually and the number is expected to increase in the coming years. Also, about 82 % of India’s e-waste consists only of personal devices. Why is all this alarming? What can the citizens do to control […]
Strategies to Follow to Reduce E-waste Generation

Technology keeps changing almost every day. There is always a new gadget, device, or smartphone on the market daily. People make a beeline to buy the latest technology, use it for a while and move on to the next, leaving the previous device to gather dust somewhere in the house or their office. There are […]
Better implementation of the EPR Rules is Important

India is the third-largest e-waste generating country in the world. China along with the United States is ahead of it. Reportedly, our country produces about 3 million tonnes of e-waste in a year; it is expected to go up to 5 million tonnes this year, that is, 2021. The Centre had laid down rules, with […]
Creating awareness among consumers regarding scientific disposal of Ewaste

Electronic waste is created when any electronic device is discarded after it has been used. As it contains various harmful materials including lead, cadmium and beryllium in addition to posing an extraordinary threat to the environment, therefore it becomes very important to dispose of it in such a manner that it does not pose a […]